Down Syndrome Association of Toronto Opens the Market
Down Syndrome Association of Toronto Opens the Market Canada NewsWire (press release) Founded in 1995, the Buddy Walk® is a 3 km walk along Ashbridges Bay boardwalk, which raises funds for education, research, advocacy and ... 
Dow Syndrome Association of Toronto hosts Buddy Walk along the Ashbridges Bay Boardwalk
Dow Syndrome Association of Toronto hosts Buddy Walk along the Ashbridges Bay Boardwalk The Down Syndrome Association of Toronto (DSAT) is inviting everyone to make their way to the Beach Saturday, May 9 for the third annual Buddy ... 
TDSB land deal to turn Pantry Park into playground irks Beaches residents
TDSB land deal to turn Pantry Park into playground irks Beaches residents The Globe and Mail A small patch of land in Toronto's tony Beaches neighbourhood has ... the right to use or sell part of another Beaches green space – Woodbine Park.  Please vote for our President Howard Drukarsh for a Director At Large with ... Read more
Current and ongoing Toronto construction closures
Current and ongoing Toronto construction closures Toronto Star Current and ongoing Toronto construction closures ... Bay St., from Queen St. W. to Lake Shore Blvd. W. ... King St. E., from River St. to Queen St. E. 
Southeast Scarborough residents urged to make their feelings on incineration/trucking known
Southeast Scarborough residents urged to make their feelings on incineration/trucking known Moir said a truck hauling sludge “stinks like hell” and one carrying waste from Toronto's Ashbridges Bay plant overturned in Michigan in 2005
Australian eyewear shop opens first Toronto outpost
Australian eyewear shop opens first Toronto outpost blogTO (blog) Australian eyewear shop opens first Toronto outpost ... The co-owners of Queen West's newest eyewear store are strong believers that brand ... The top 10 bars and pubs on Queen St. East Most of the writers for blogto have only ... 
Speed possible factor after man crashes Porsche into vehicles in the Beach
Speed possible factor after man crashes Porsche into vehicles in the Beach CityNews The car was heading west on Kingston Road, near Woodbine Avenue, ... at least three vehicles on Kingston Road in the Beach on April 22, 2015  
Boxcar Social opening new location on Queen Street
Boxcar Social opening new location on Queen Street blogTO (blog) Boxcar Social is set to bring its cafe-bar hybrid concept to Queen Street. ... That's something I suspect will get east-siders rather excited. ... They're also the least pretentious guys in the Toronto coffee scene, so 'Work Nearby' go crawl ... 
What parks used to look like in Toronto
What parks used to look like in Toronto blogTO (blog) toronto park Just to the west of Scarboro Beach Park was "The Canadian Kew Gardens." Promising "innocent amusements" such as tennis (below,) ... 
Toronto 2025: Upgrades needed at water treatment plant as city grows
Toronto 2025: Upgrades needed at water treatment plant as city grows About 10 swimming pools worth of wastewater pass through the Ashbridges Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant every hour. While that's a lot of sewage, ... 

The settlements that make up today's Cobourg were founded by United Empire Loyalists in 1798. Some of the founding fathers and early settlers were Eluid Nickerson, Joseph Ash, Zacheus Burnham and Asa Burnham. ... By the 1830s Cobourg had become a regional centre, much due to its fine harbour on Lake Ontario.

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