This month: Art, dance, music, archival photos and Toronto's stories told in six words.

Celebrate Toronto in September!

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Nuit Blanche Toronto artistic program announced
The complete artistic program for the 12th edition of Nuit Blanche has been announced. From 6:58 pm on Saturday, September 30 until sunrise on Sunday, October 1, the streets of Toronto will be transformed by 90 contemporary art projects created by more than 350 artists. Start planning your night at today!



On Common Ground festival at Fort York
From September 15-17 On Common Ground will feature an engaging mix of culturally-diverse music, dance, storytelling, theatre, visual arts, food, and family-friendly activities in celebration of Canada 150. Highlights include the world dance and live music premiere of Miigis by Red Sky Performance, a community citizenship ceremony, a PEACES Artisan Market and a new large-scale mural by Montreal artist Olivier Bonnard produced by The Bentway in collaboration with Love Letters to the Great Lakes and Relay 150.

A full schedule will soon be available at



Eaton's Goes to War: Family, Memory & Meaning
During the First World War, 3,327 Eaton's employees enlisted to fight. Each time one of them went overseas, their photo was displayed in the Toronto Eaton's store. Some 2,000 portraits survived and are part of the Archives of Ontario. Mackenzie House, with the help of public submissions, presents accounts of some of the lives of these men and their families from September 21 to December 31. This exhibit is included with regular museum admission.



My City My Six exhibits across the city 
My City My Six is a public art project in celebration of Canada 150 that reveals Toronto and its residents, six words at a time. Toronto Poet Laureate Anne Michaels and a diverse jury selected 150 stories from more than 4,000 submissions from the public. These stories will be showcased at a City Hall exhibit from September 25 to 28 with a signature celebration on September 27, 5-7 pm.  During September and October, stories will also be featured at exhibits run by the City's six local arts services organizations.



2017 Toronto Book Awards - Memoir is the Story 
There's lots of media excitement around the personal stories on this year's Toronto Book Awards shortlist. The winner will be announced on October 12 at the Toronto Reference Library. Hear all the authors read at The Word on the Street, September 24, FREE.



MomenTO events continue...
MomenTO has a number of free events this fall. From canoeing on the Humber River on September 10 to a free series of talks exploring how past innovations have shaped our present and future to an upcoming music series, MomenTO engages audiences of all ages and encourages Torontonians to contribute to its online timeline. 

MomenTO is part of TO Canada with Love and is produced by the City of Toronto in partnership with the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada.



TO Canada with Love this September
The City of Toronto's year-long program of celebrations, commemorations and exhibitions marking Canada's 150th birthday continues! Information on many of the events below, as well as activities city-wide are available at


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The settlements that make up today's Cobourg were founded by United Empire Loyalists in 1798. Some of the founding fathers and early settlers were Eluid Nickerson, Joseph Ash, Zacheus Burnham and Asa Burnham. ... By the 1830s Cobourg had become a regional centre, much due to its fine harbour on Lake Ontario.

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